
My Kitchen Rules South Africa


Tim and Shereez

Social media service consultant Tim dreams of opening a little bistro where people can connect and feel at home. He learned to cook from his wife, Shereez, and from watching cooking shows on TV and entered MKRSA after his wife had persuaded him. His go-to dish is a saucy mince pasta and he loves Mexican and Indian food but has an adventurous palette. 

Though she shares her husband Tim’s food dream of running a small bistro, Shereez would also love to find a way to show people at home that whatever they have in their cupboards can be used to make a wholesome hearty meal that can feed a big family, or that the same ingredients can be refined to showcase a beautiful fine dining experience. She loves Indian and Italian food while her favourite South African dish is Cape Malay flaky roti, sugar beans curry, and yellow potato. Shereez entered MKRSA to be exposed to different types of foods and flavours and to help her grow her technical ability in the kitchen.

two men in black aprons
two women in black aprons
man and woman in black aprons
