
My Kitchen Rules South Africa


Tšepang and Refilwe

Refilwe learned how to cook from her mother, grandmother, and sisters – one of whom will be sharing the drama of the MKRSA kitchen with her. Currently a student, Refilwe says her signature dishes are nachos, engagement chicken, and crêpes Suzette – though she loves nothing more than tucking into steak and chips or a boerewors roll with caramelised onions. 

A comment on her Instagram feed about entering MKRSA piqued Tšepang’s interest. She’s worked in the food and wine industry for 10 years and was curious about the prospect of leaving her comfort zone and sharing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cook with her baby sister.  She’s been cooking since she was 9, under the watchful eyes of her parents, and dreams of turning her grandmothers’ recipes into a cookbook.

man and woman in black aprons
man and woman in aprons
two women in black aprons
