Tekort aan mikroskyfies sal ‘n groot impak maak - kykNET VERSLAG | 13 APRIL 2021 | kykNET
Wêreldwyd is daar ‘n tekort aan mikroskyfies wat ‘n belangrike komponent is van talle elektroniese produkte. Motorvervaardigers en selfoonmaatskappye is hard getref. Ilze-Marie Le Roux praat met tegnologiekenners oor hoe die tekort Suid-Afrikaners raak.
Microchip shortage will have an impact - kykNET VERSLAG | 13 APRIL 2021 | kykNET
There is a global microchip shortage, which is an important component of various electronic products. Car manufacturers and cellphone companies have been hit hard. Ilze-Marie Le Roux speaks to technology experts about the impact the shortage will have on South Africa.