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Wat gebeur as jy in hegtenis geneem word omdat jy nie ‘n masker dra? – kykNET VERSLAG

07 April

Wat gebeur as jy in hegtenis geneem word omdat jy nie ‘n masker dra? – kykNET VERSLAG | 6 APRIL 2021 | kykNET Duisende mense is sedert die begin van die staat van inperking in hegtenis geneem, omdat hulle versuim het om maskers te dra. Romantha Botha praat met kenners hieroor. What happens if you are arrested for not wearing a mask? – kykNET VERSLAG | 6 APRIL 2021 | kykNET Thousands of people have been arrested since the beginning of the lockdown because they did not wear a mask. Romantha Botha speaks to experts about this.