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Pearl Magic Prime

Taxi 24




PMP Taxi24 KV CatchUp Poster

Taxi 24 goes on a long route but fails to get to its final destination due to so many problems.The driver and his conductor are always on each other's neck.

S1 | E3
16 January 20:30
'S1/E3 of 13'. Taxi 24 goes on a long route but fails to get to its final destination due to so many problems.The driver...
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Which passenger are you?

We all have taken public transport at some point right, and the fascinating things are the conversations and behaviour from commuters that make the whole experience either good or bad.

Seeing all the drama unfold on Taxi 24, we all see bits of ourselves in the taxi driver and the commuters.

The question is, are you the quiet or the loud one out of everyone on the trip. Take the quiz; you might shock yourself!

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