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My Horror Love Story: Kenya


Breaking cycle of abuse and the road to recovery – My Horror Love Story

18 October 2023
Abusive relationships often leave survivors with emotional and psychological scars that can last a lifetime.
Maureen's story– My Horror Love Story: Kenya Image : 1795

Breaking free from the cycle of abuse is a courageous step towards healing and reclaiming one's life.

Understanding the Emotional Impact: Survivors of abuse often grapple with emotional and psychological challenges. They may experience trauma, low self-esteem, and trust issues. Real-life stories and testimonials from survivors who have successfully broken free from abusive relationships can provide valuable insights.

The Healing Process: Therapy and counseling play a crucial role in helping survivors work through their emotional scars. Additionally, self-help strategies can empower survivors to rebuild their lives and regain their sense of self-worth.

Building Healthy Relationships: The article offers advice on how survivors can build healthier relationships in the future, free from the patterns of abuse. Recognising signs of potential abuse in future relationships and setting boundaries are emphasised.

Support Systems and Resources: Survivors can benefit from support groups and organisations that offer help and resources. One can also seek therapy, legal assistance, and financial support.

Breaking free from an abusive relationship is a challenging but crucial step towards healing and recovery. This article aims to inspire survivors to embark on their journey towards rebuilding their lives and fostering healthier relationships.

Watch My Horror Love Story every Sunday at 7.30pm on Maisha Magic East on DStv Channel 158