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My Horror Love Story: Kenya


10 tips on how to spot an abusive romantic partner - My Horror Love story

04 October 2023
Sadly, not all relationships unfold as they should, and some individuals find themselves entangled with abusive partners.
Janet’s story – My Horror Love Story: Kenya Image : 1962

In the realm of romantic relationships, love, care, and support should be the cornerstones of any partnership.

Recognising the signs of an abusive romantic partner is paramount for one's safety and well-being. Below are the key red flags that can help you identify an abusive partner.

1. Controlling Behaviour: One of the earliest signs of an abusive partner is their inclination toward controlling your life. They may monitor your every move, and dictate who you can see, where you can go, and what you can wear. This behaviour often stems from a desire to exert power and dominance over you.

2. Isolation: Abusive partners frequently try to isolate their victims from friends and family. They may actively discourage you from spending time with loved ones, creating an environment where they can maintain control and manipulate your emotions without interference.

3. Jealousy and Insecurity: Constant jealousy, even over innocent interactions, can be a sign of an abusive partner. They may accuse you of infidelity without any evidence, making you feel guilty or anxious about your actions.

4. Emotional Abuse: Emotional abuse is often less noticeable than physical abuse but equally damaging. An abusive partner may belittle, insult, or humiliate you regularly, eroding your self-esteem and self-worth.

5. Physical Violence: The most recognisable form of abuse is physical violence. This can range from pushing, slapping, or hitting to more severe forms of harm. If your partner resorts to physical aggression, it's essential to seek help immediately.

6. Manipulation and Gaslighting: Abusers are skilled at manipulating their victims into believing that they are to blame for the abuse. They may employ gaslighting tactics to make you doubt your perception of reality, leaving you feeling confused and powerless.

7. Threats and Intimidation: Threats, whether directed at you, your loved ones, or even pets, are common tools in the abuser's arsenal. They use intimidation to maintain control and instill fear.

8. Economic Control: Some abusive partners exert control through financial means, preventing you from accessing money or employment opportunities. This financial dependency can make it challenging to escape the relationship.

9. Rapid Mood Swings: Abusive partners may exhibit rapid mood swings, alternating between extreme kindness and extreme anger. This unpredictability keeps victims off balance and anxious.

10. Blame-shifting: Abusers often avoid taking responsibility for their actions. They blame external factors or their victims for their abusive behaviour, making it difficult for the victim to hold them accountable.

If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, seek help from a trusted friend, family member, or a domestic violence hotline. Remember that you deserve love, respect, and a relationship free from fear and abuse. It's never too late to break free from the cycle of abuse and seek the support needed to build a healthier, happier life. Tune in to watch My Horror Love Story on Maisha Magic East DStv Channel 158 to hear some people share their experiences.