
My Kitchen Rules South Africa


Martin and Eddie

Pensioner Eddie says he can make a great curry from scratch and loves the bigger cuts of meat, like leg of lamb, pork belly or shoulder, with food one of his greatest passions. His cooking style is a fusion of the Afrikaner family meals he grew up eating with Indian influences from growing up in KZN. Given the chance, he’d gladly tuck into a meal of boerewors and pap with shesheba.

Partnering with Eddie is his son-in-law Martin, who shamelessly says he entered MKRSA to try to win the R1 million prize! A winemaker by trade, he says that no great story ever started with "I had a salad" and enjoys boerewors rolls and pannekoek. His signature dishes are roasted leg of lamb, steak and chips, offal, and chops on the braai.

young man and woman in aprons
two men in black aprons
two men in aprons

More on Martin & Eddie