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Gesprek: NG Kerk – Silwerskermfees 2019

23 Augustus

Die apartheidsbeleid het in 70’s en 80’s skerp verdeeldheid in die NG Kerk tot gevolg gehad. Nou dreig die gay-debat om die kerk te skeur. Kan die NG Kerk hierdie morele krisis oorkom? Apartheid divided the NG Church in the 70s and 80s skerp. Now the gay issue threatens to split the church. Can the NG Church overcome this moral crisis? Paneellede / Panellists: Adam Heyns (regisseur/director: Dr Johan Heyns – Exorcist of Apartheid), Renaldo Schwarp (regisseur/director: Skeef), Laurie Gaum (NG Kerk-dominee en aktivis vir gay-regte/ NG Church minister and gay activist), Jean Oosthuizen (skrywer/author: Die opkoms en ondergang van die NG Kerk/The Rise and Fall of the NG Church) Gespreksleier / Discussion leader: Danie Marais The Bay: Dek, Donderdag/Thursday, 22 Aug, 13:30 - 14:30