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Gidshonde - Prontuit

16 November

Gidshonde - Prontuit | 15 November 2022 | kykNET Die Prontuit-span het gaan besoek aflê by die Gidshondvereniging van Suid Afrika en agtergekom dat daar meer as net gidshonde is en dat die uitdagings veel van aard is. * Kyk Prontuit Dinsdae 21:00 op kykNET (DStv-kanaal 144) en op DStv Catch Up. Guide Dogs – Prontuit l 15 November 2022 | kykNET The Prontuit team visited the Guide Dog Association of South Africa and learnt that there are much more services that dogs are trained for and the challenges they face. * Watch Prontuit on Tuesday evenings at 21:00 on kykNET (DStv channel 144) and on DStv Catch Up.