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Angs - Prontuit

14 September

Angs - Prontuit | 13 September 2022 | kykNET Talle Suid-Afrikaners ly deesdae aan angs. Wat is angs en wat is sommige van die vernaamste faktore wat tot angs kan lei? * Kyk Prontuit Dinsdae 21:00 op kykNET (DStv-kanaal 144) en op DStv Catch Up. Anxiety - Prontuit | 13 September 2022 | kykNET Many South Africans suffer from anxiety these days. What is anxiety and what are some of the main factors that can lead to anxiety? * Watch Prontuit on Tuesday evenings at 21:00 on kykNET (DStv channel 144) and on DStv Catch Up.