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Desperaatheid tydens Covid 19 Prontuit

06 Julie

Desperaatheid tydens Covid-19 - Prontuit | 5 Julie 2021 | KykNET Almal ken iemand wat, sedert die pandemie byna 500 dae gelede in Suid-Afrika pos gevat het, siek geword het weens die korona-virus, of daaraan gesterf het. Ons gesels oor die inentingsprogram, die inentings, veemedisyne en oor hoekom ons nog hoop kan hê. * Kyk Prontuit Maandagaand 21:00 op kykNET (DStv-kanaal 144) en op DStv Catch Up. Desperate times during Covid-19 - Prontuit | 5 July 2021 | KykNET Everyone knows someone who has, since the start if the pandemic in South Africa roughly 500 days ago, been infected with, or has died from the coronavirus. We discuss the vaccination program, the vaccines, other drugs and why we can still have hope. * Watch Prontuit on Monday evenings at 21:00 on kykNET (DStv channel 144) and on DStv Catch Up.