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Tatoeëermerke - Prontuit

23 Maart

Tatoeëermerke - Prontuit | 22 Maart 2021 | KykNET Kyk jy deesdae om jou, is daar byna nie ‘n siel wat nié ‘n tatoeëermerk het nie. Verby is die dae waar dit basies net matrose was wat met ‘n skets van ‘n anker op die arm kon spog. Oor die afgelope paar dekades, het dit egter in ’n kunsvorm ontwikkel wat algemeen aanvaar word met mense van alle kleure en geure wat tatoes kry. Ons het meer oor hierdie bedryf gaan uitvind. * Kyk Prontuit Maandagaand 21:00 op kykNET (DStv-kanaal 144) en op DStv Catch Up. Tattoos - Prontuit | 22 Maart 2021 | KykNET These days almost everyone around you has a tattoo. Gone are the days where it was just sailors who could brag with a picture of an anchor on their body. Tattooing has over the last few decades, transformed into an artform which has been widely accepted with people from all creeds and colours getting tattooed. We went to find out more about this industry. * Watch Prontuit on Monday evenings at 21:00 on kykNET (DStv channel 144) and on DStv Catch Up.