B.U. blindsided by Big Brother Mzansi boot!
B.U. talks about getting kicked off Big Brother Mzansi House in that surprise double elimination, and wanting babies with Venus…

At this point, nothing should come as a surprise in the Big Brother Mzansi House, but viewers and the Housemates were shocked when Adindu “Zino” Asuzu was not the only, but just the first, eviction during the latest Sunday live eviction ceremony on Sunday, 20 February.
Soon after, Big Brother Mzansi host Lawrence Maleka revealed that another Housemate would be leaving, and it was Luthando “B.U.” Mthembu. Twitter users were stunned, and later “Not B.U.” was at the top of the trending list.
31-year-old B.U. admits that he didn’t see his elimination coming. “I was caught off-guard. I wouldn’t say that I was entirely shocked because I knew that my eviction was a possibility, I didn’t think this soon, though,” explains the musician, before adding, “I didn’t mind getting nominated because I thought that I wasn’t going to leave, so when It happened, I took it with a pinch of salt and left with my chin held high.”
B.U. left an impression on viewers with his charming smile and his recent love triangle with Venus and former Housemate Acacia, in which he chose Venus, unwittingly breaking Acacia’s heart.
Read on as B.U. tells us about his time in the Big Brother Mzansi House and where he stands with Venus, since they kissed just before he was given the boot.
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Just Be You: How B.U. stayed true
Why did you enter Big Brother Mzansi?
“A friend of mine suggested that I enter. He was impressed with the moves that I was making [in the entertainment industry] as I’m in a Netflix show (B.U. is in 2 films on Netflix: Happiness Ever After and Entanglement) and I’ve already released several music videos. He thought that joining Big Brother Mzansi would give me a push to boost my music career.”
How would you describe your journey in the Big Brother Mzansi House?
“There’s 1 word for it and that’s reflective. While I was in the House, I thought about myself – who I really am. I dived deeper [into understanding myself] and I tested theories about myself.”
So what did you learn about yourself?
“That there are different layers to me, and that I can tap into whichever layer I want at any time. While I was in the House, I became an onion and each day, I would peel through layers, even in the tears, I just kept peeling.”
What was your strategy for winning?
“I wanted to always be myself. My name is an abbreviation for Be You, and every time someone would call my name, it reminded me to remain grounded and truthful to myself.”
When you first arrived at the House, you gravitated to Yoli, why is that?
“There was an instant connection between us, and it was genuine. Over time, [the lines were blurred] and she thought that [I had feelings for her], which threw me off a bit. Just because we had a bond it didn’t mean that it was romantic – a connection can remain on a friendship level.”
Why do you think Gash1 nominated you?
“He was the Head of House, so he had the power to nominate Housemates who would be up for eviction. He wanted to test the romantic relationships in the House [and I was getting closer to Venus], so he put me up for eviction.”
Talking about Venus, where do you stand with her now?
“This is just a guess because I don’t know what’s going to happen while she is still in the House and I’m on the outside – or what’s going to happen when she leaves the House for that matter – but I’d hope that a few years from now, we’ll have a couple of babies, a house… the typical couple goals story. I know my intentions with her. Venus is a great person.”
What do you think of your portrayal in the show?
“I’m okay with whatever I put out there. I believe that I was [misjudged] as a bad boy and that’s okay. I’ve been called that before, and I’ve also been called a player before, that isn’t new to me. I know who I truly am. People who really want to know me will take the time to get to know me.”
What do you think that viewers will remember about you?
“As the weirdo vegan, who mediates [Laughs], and lives by his rules. I also think that some people will remember me as a flirt, which I think is a trait that people lean more towards when [forming an opinion about] me.”
What are your plans now that you are evicted?
“To keep moving at an accelerated pace. I’d like to continue acting, singing, dancing, and working behind the scenes. I also want to keep learning from people [in showbiz]. I want to make this opportunity count.”

When and where to watch
- Mzansi Magic (DStv Channel 161) airs the daily shows on Tuesdays to Fridays at 22:00
- Highlights on Saturdays at 21:30
- Shower Hour on Tuesdays to Fridays at 10:30
- Saturday Night Parties at 21:00
- Live eviction shows on Sundays at 18:00.
- Meanwhile, the action continues non-stop on the 24-hour Channel Big Brother Mzansi Pop-up Channel (DStv Channel 198).
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Watch Big Brother Mzansi Season 3, Sundays on Mzansi Magic (DStv Channel 161) at 18:00 and on Catch Up, and daily on Big Brother Mzansi Pop-up Channel (DStv Channel 198).
Mzansi Magic (DStv Channel 161) and the Big Brother Mzansi Pop-up Channel (DStv Channel 198) are available exclusively on the DStv Premium, Compact Plus, and Compact packages. To upgrade your existing package, click here. Or if you'd like to Get DStv, find a service that suits your needs here.