Why am I getting a “streaming limit reached” message?

The maximum number of streams linked to your subscription are already active

  • You need to close one of the streams, before you can start/open another one
  • You can add (link) another stream to your subscription to increase the number of people able to stream at the same time (you’re allowed to link up to 2 mobile streams)

You have exceeded the number of devices linked to your account

This is different to the number of streams you pay for.
If your subscription allows for streaming on 1 device at a time, you can stream from multiple devices, switching from one to another. Example : you stream on your laptop at home, and on your phone or tablet when travelling. In this example, although you are only ever streaming on 1 device at the same time, you are making use of 3 devices.

There is a limit of 4 devices per subscription. You can check which devices have been used on your subscription (and remove them) using the DStv Stream app. From the main screen, select More, Settings, Manage Devices.

You have just switched devices 

If you have NOT reached the limit of streams your subscription allows for, and you have just switched from streaming on one device to streaming on another, it make take a few minutes for the system to refresh and disconnect the device you’re no longer using.