What is needed for RICA?

The following documentation in the name of the account holder is required to complete the RICA process. You will not be able to get someone else to accept your delivery or complete the RICA process on your behalf.

  • Identify document or passport
  • Proof of physical address (must not be older than three months). It must include your full name and residential address

If you live in an informal settlement and cannot provide a formal address, the RICA AGENT can verify the address of the informal settlement by means of a letter and/or affidavit. Such letter should confirm you reside in the informal settlement. In addition, the letter must have an official letterhead and official stamp of the school or church or the retail store;

If you have refugee status, your asylum seeker document can be used as proof, however, it must be current and valid, and not outside the exclusionary period, i.e. it must not have expired.