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Three shocking moments from the Nguzu wedding

30 September 2020
We delve into the three things that could have turned Frank and Mwanida’s wedding into a disaster.
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Though everyone was pretty skeptical about Frank’s intentions at first, his proposal to the unexpectant but eager Mwanida - and having his family show face at the Nguzu residence, proved that he was what he claimed. There were, however, a few from the kitchen party, the ceremony and even the wedding reception, that had us crossing our fingers for dear life; moments that could have resulted in the premature end of the festivities.

Mr. late Moneypenny    

Frank’s actions have raised eyebrows quite a few times before, but the quick trip to a two-legged bank on the day of his and Mwanida’s kitchen party should be considered the ultimate red flag. During preparations, he alerted his men that he needed to step out for a business matter that needed his immediate attention. A matter that consisted of him stepping out of the vehicle, collecting a bag full of money and without much dialogue with the delivery man, walking back into the car and driving away. Now, though he did eventually make it in time for the kitchen party, his business ‘deal’ could have taken a sour turn and resulted in him playing run away groom-to-be.

Monica the past wants to be Monica the present

After Mwanida managed to lock down her bridal crew, she was super excited to finally introduce Frank to her best friend Monica, but the introduction didn’t go down too well. As soon as the two locked eyes and placed name to face, there was an awkward silence that could have led anyone to believe they were more than familiar with each other. Although none of the two gave anything away, Monica’s demeanor changed immediately after the encounter and she almost ditched her duties as bridesmaid.

Things got a little more intense when Monica walked towards the altar right after the officiant instructed those who opposed, to announce themselves - and though she ended up following through with her duties as maid of honour, there was another close call when Mwanida found her talking to Frank. Our guess is, she could have blurted out that she and Frank had an unresolved past when Mwanida jokingly asked if she was trying to run away with her man - or when Frank’s four wheeled gift to his bride was driven into the compound. What’s that thing they say about a woman scorned again? Yup!

Oh brother!

Be honest, you swallowed a few gulps of air when you saw Hambe, Jairos and Logik lying drunk and almost late for the wedding - and didn’t the talk of a power outage raise your blood pressure instantly too? Now throw in Hambe’s alcohol-induced outburst to the mix for a beautifully disastrous concoction. After downing a little too much brandy, whiskey or whatever else, Hambe stood up, grabbed the mic, dragged Chichi to the center and caused a scene. From insults aimed at Nguzu, belittling statements about the groom and embarrassing things about his family as a whole, Hambe almost succeeded at scaring Frank’s clan away. Now imagine if the prerequisite to a successful marriage was a functional home? We all know the Nguzus wouldn’t be considered candidates, right?

These are obviously just three of many red flags that raised themselves during the entire process and if we were to list the rest, this would turn into Mpali news daily. So why not tune in to #ZambeziMagic DStv CH 162 every weeknight at 20:00hrs and witness the drama for yourself?!