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The wisdom that comes with age

31 August 2021
Nobody wants to grow older but everyone wants to be wiser, how does that work?
Lady 40

Growing up is one of the most intricate processes of life, no species should remain stagnant because growth is an essential part of our life cycle. But with humans, growing older is not as acceptable as gaining wisdom. The two are usually put against each to make us feel good about growing older but does maturity always suggest wisdom?


The quickest way to resolve this would be to understand what wisdom is and that can vary from person-to-person. There is no measure for wisdom and assuming one is wise because of their age would be a bit short-sighted. 



The ladies of Tuvwangehad a discussion around the idea of life beginning at 40 and their guest shared his view of understanding that at 40, people are usually mature enough to survive but that doesn’t necessarily mean those people are wiser than a 25 year old, for instance. If life begins at 40, then what are people doing before then? They are living and getting to know themselves, and the world around them, a bit better. And that takes a certain level of wisdom. 


Tell us what you think. Do you think that wisdom comes with age or can anyone be wise at whatever age? We’d like to hear what you think about this interesting matter. 


Catch the ladies of #ZMTuvwange every Thursdays at 21:30hrs on #ZambeziMagic DStv Channel 162.