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Our Perfect Wedding Zimbabwe

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Andrew and Monica Mereki – OPWZim

10 June 2019
All it took was one meeting between Andrew and Monica and the two lovebirds became almost inseparable.
opwzim ep8 andrew and monica

Andrew's nephew who was friends with Monica had been perstering her to meet his uncle with promises like "you two will be perfect for each other". Unknown to Monica, he was also putting the same pressure on Andrew, telling him that there were three ladies he needed to meet but he will have to choose one to date. Andrew was very skepical about meeting random strangers just because his nephew said he should and kept putting it off. Monica held off for almost 6 months before finally giving in to the nephew's pressures and agreed to meet Andrew.

On the day of the meeting, Andrew stood off at a distance with the intention to either run away if his nephew showed up with someone he didn't fancy; byt when he spotted them walking down towards him, he was immediately drawn to her and hurried over to introduce himself. From that first meeting, the only time he didn't show up at her office for lunch was when he was working or out of town. The two became an item and inseparable from then on and it was only inevitable that they were meant to spend their futures together.

After being together for a bit, the couple decided to have a wedding ceremony done, and as usual, we tagged along for the festivities, food and great ambience. Out couple had selected three things for their wishlist so lets check them out below.


Opting for colours like dust pink, blue and gold, the groom threw in a last minute curve ball of lime green but the caterer they hired was well up to the task and incorporated Andrew's colour into the general pallette.


After Andrew jokingly talked about a wedding, Monica made sure she found and paid for a dress quickly so he couldn't change his mind, and as we look at the dress, it seems she was always meant to wear this dress because it fit like a glove.


Making sure to incorporate Andrew's choice of lime green, the finished work looked every bit as stunning as the bride said it would; and her faith in the same woman who has been baking cakes for her for over 10years was well justified.

The couple coudn't stop smiling at each other throughout the event and the show of love was so evident and infectous, their friends and family also basked in it. The event organizer's special touch and secret gift to the couple really capped things off as they all danced on the cutomized dancefloor with the couple's names on it.

You can click here to check out the full image gallery from the wedding we have prepared for you.

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Our Perfect Wedding Zimbabwe is on every Thursdays at 21:30hrs and repeats on Fridays at 17:35hrs and Saturdays at 14:30hrs and Sundays at 19:00hrs. Join the conversation by using #OPWZim on social media.