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pali, lui, zambezi, mabvuto, dali ,mr lui restaurant


Mabvuto is a call boy and Dalitso's best friend. He is always hanging around Mr. Lui's restaurant trying to pawn off something.

He and Mr. Lui are like cat and mouse as Mr. Lui is trying to establish his restaurant as a respectable eatery and Mabvu-G's presence rubbishes his efforts. On top of that Mabvuto is always looking for a free meal.

Mabvu-G is a very resourceful guy who can nd and sale you anything anytime. He boasts that “G” stands for GOOGLE in his name.


AGE: 29years

MAIN TRAITS: Hustler, problematic, persuasive and canning.

HUMANIZING TRAIT: Loyal to his friend androommate Dalitso, Very resourceful.