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Unlikely brothers in arms – Zuba

08 February 2021
We explore how Thando and Vinny formed the most unlikely tag team and fooled everyone around them.

It was indeed surprising that Thando’s anger towards Phingiwe and Zuba far outweighed how much he hated Vinny, Miranda and Jaden. So, it was kind of easy to come to terms with him joining forces with his ‘evil’ twin brother ­– and allowing him access to the baby girl. 

Here’s how Thando and Vinny played everyone. 

Family bonds

Vinny’s return to Lusaka allowed him unlimited access to the Sosala abode and all who live in it, including Phingiwe who, lest we forget, was the target of Miranda’s anger and was meant to see very few sunrises after their encounter. In addition to that, the Sosalas are known for their lack of discretion when it comes to laying matters on the table (even at mealtime) and dissecting them, irrespective of who sees or hears. 

Vinny and his tribe (Jaden and Miranda) wanted to assume control of the Zulu wealth that rested comfortably on Phingiwe’s lap, so when Valerie made mention of her and Kaza’s struggles and asked Phingiwe to consider gifting her family their share of the inheritance (during a meal, of course); Vinny could have easily deduced that the millions were still up for grabs.

Love and broken hearts 

We definitely thought it strange that despite having begged Zuba to consider keeping their marriage intact while he made promises of loyalty to a hopeful Angelina, Thando decided to play ‘Casanova’ and try to sweet-talk officer Ing’utu out of her service boots. We mean, why would a man intentionally create a love triangle knowing fully well that it would crash and burn? 

Instead of treading carefully and dealing with the business at hand, which was meant to be his daughter, he brought out the bow and arrow stolen from cupid (we all know that he’s privy to theft) and shot a meaningless shot at Ing’utu who after losing Niko’s heart to Katema, needed some TLC. From sending her anonymously addressed flowers to taking her dancing, Vinny definitely channeled a Zambian Shakespeare. 

Now that news of his capture has spread like wildfire, Vinny may or may not reveal what he and Thando have been up to. Also, there are possibilities of him playing the blackmail card, forcing the Sosalas to bail him out as one of their own. We mean, he is one of them, afterall. 


Continue watching #ZMZuba every weeknight at 20:00hrs on #ZambeziMagic to see how this plays out.