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Social Media check in – Tuvwange

30 June 2020
We review the most closely contested poll results from #ZMTuvwange’s season so far!
Screenshot 2020 06 17 at 08

Two hot topics had the streets a-buzzing this June. The streets of social media that is! The first topic brought the dreaded horror of infidelity to mind, asking how YOU would deal with it? IF it ever happened to you…

This is how poll participants answered:

OPTION #1: I would look the other way. 7%

OPTION #2: This is a no-no. The relationship is over. 41%

OPTION #3: Vengeance and retribution. Hell hath no fury like ME scorned! 23%

OPTION #4: SOS! It depends on why the cheating happened. Try and save the relationship. 29%

While the majority of participants took a stand against a partner with a wandering eye, what really surprised us was the close to even split in the vote between mercy (OPTION #3) and vengeance (OPTION #4). It looks like the cheaters/preparators are really taking chances outchea ???

Then, the pivot swung to our next topic and closest vote of the season. #ZMTuvwange wanted YOUR take on what is behind the attraction to fake pastors and 'Papa's'?

These were your options and how you voted:

OPTION #1: Desperation - these fakes Papa's/Pastors prey on vulnerable people – 28%

OPTION #2: Ignorance - the people are deceived – 33%

OPTION #3: People want a quick fix – 25%

OPTION #4: Religion is an imperfect science 14%

Clearly the consensus is that adverse circumstances and predation are key components of the fake Pastor/Papa equation. The margins separating these 3 schools of thought are razor thin! It is probable that all three (OPTION #1, #2 and #3) bleed into each other, creating smoke and mirrors for those caught in the Pastor/Papa trap.??

That's what Social Media Says Zambia! Surprised?

Thank you for participating in the #ZMTuvwange conversations. Stay tuned for new episodes every Friday at 21:30 on DStv CH 162, and be sure to cast your vote in the upcoming #ZMTuvwange poll!