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Arresting Affairs: Officer Ngwee’s Dance with Nguzu’s Family – Mpali

27 September 2024
From murders to missing babies, here’s a peek into why they’re keeping Officer Ngwee so busy this season!

You’d think after years of service, I’d seen it all—but no! When it comes to Nguzu’s family, I’ve learned that trouble follows them like a shadow. If I had a ngwee for every time I’ve had to deal with one of their escapades, I’d retire comfortably. But here I am, Officer Ngwee, still doing what I do best: arresting, interrogating, and trying to keep some order around here.  

Take Chipego’s case, for instance. Poor girl thought she was going to a job interview—a hotel room, no less! Next thing I know, she’s sitting in my station, telling me some ridiculous tale about a man who dropped dead on top of her. Suspicious? You bet I thought so! And her brother-in-law Moses showing up to “help”? That only added to the drama. I was sure there was more to that story—an affair, perhaps? My gut never lies. But after hours of interrogation (and a bit of Shadreck’s meddling), turns out she didn’t kill anyone. The guy was dead before he even hit the ground. Lucky for her, but boy, did she give me a headache! 

Speaking of headaches, Thoko was the next in line. As soon as I thought I could catch a breather after Chipego, in waltzes Thoko, caught up in a forgery scandal. She got mixed up with some fraudster, Derrick, and when things went south, guess who got the blame? Yep, Thoko. It was one thing after another, and I had Bianca’s snitching to deal with too. In the end, with Shadreck again stepping in, we cleared her name. But I’m telling you, Nguzu’s family members sure know how to keep me on my toes! 

Now, just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, there was Mwanida. She practically turned my station into her second home, frantically searching for her kidnapped newborn. I’ve never seen anything like it—a kidnapping tied to a cult! All this drama after she had already been keeping her pregnancy under wraps in Singapore. Of course, her mother Mwiza joined the endless visits, but despite all their pleading, we had no luck finding that poor baby. Every day, new questions, new theories, and no answers. It's a tough one, and I can’t rest until we get to the bottom of it. 

And let’s not forget Nuru. At first, I was convinced she was behind the baby’s disappearance—her history with the cult and Richard just screamed suspect! But after an intense grilling, I had to admit, she wasn’t involved. In fact, she started working with us to take Richard down. Still, I won’t be caught off guard by anyone from that family again.  

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in all this, it’s that a Ngwee might never change, but neither will the chaos surrounding Nguzu’s family. They may walk free after I’ve done my job, but they always seem to find their way back to my station. Ah, the joys of keeping the peace!

Don't miss out on the sensational Mpali drama, airing every Monday to Thursday at 20:30 on Zambezi Magic Channel 162 and GOtv Supa Channel 3!