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Love triangles, or second-generation polygamy? – Mpali

26 January 2024
Nguzu’s ‘sons’ are picking up more than farming from their father.

Every Monday to Friday at 20:30hrs, right here on OneZed DStv Channel 122 and GOtv Channel 2, we get to witness all the drama and chaos brought on by matters of the heart. Nguzu and the young men in his life are prone to be found in love triangles or polygamous situations with a gaggle of their chosen women.

Here are the relationship trends we have picked up from Nguzu and his boys:


It all began with the man of the house, Shadreck Nguzu. If you think having seven wives is impossible, think twice! This man has shown us that anything is possible; from sharing love with multiple women, to being a doting father to his many sons and daughters. As it goes, Nguzu is ready to take in a new wife, and we wonder if this new relationship will be a success, or whether his army of wives will fight the newbie off the plantation.


Junza’s first born has been one to watch since the first day we knew about him. Hambe, just like his adoptive father, has so much love to give! He chased Chibale until he won her hand in marriage, but one lover has never been enough for this young man, as we saw him entertaining attention from Chola the dynamite. When his marriage to Chibale fell apart, he still held onto her with hope, but he has been stringing Chola along too. Will there be a day when he finally makes up his mind about who he wants to spend the rest of his life with, or is he destined to follow in Nguzu’s footsteps?


Jairos had a sweet moment with Sandra the mother of his son JJ, but that was a short-lived romance seeing that he has decided to dedicate his life to Chipego. One partner doesn’t seem to be enough for this plantation boy though, because Jairos’ wandering eye eventually landed on Miss Cheela, his work colleague. As destiny might have it, some romance sparked between the two and it almost crushed his marriage, but now Chipego has been insisting that Jairos takes her as a second wife in order to have sons who will continue his legacy. This sounds like a very tempting suggestion, and we wonder if Jairos will follow through.


Nguzu’s nephew came from Singapore with some business ideas and an equal load of drama. There is no doubt that he is related to Nguzu because he had two women who were ready to fight for his love. Janice and Monica both believed they were the chosen ones, but Shadreck wants them both. Now that Janice is moving on to Albert, will Shadreck let her go or will he continue pursuing both ladies? We are certain though that Monica is not going anywhere!

It is clear that the Nguzu men have so much love to give – and we can’t wait to see what the outcome of most of these situationships will be.

Stay in the know and watch Mpali every Monday to Friday at 20:30hrs, right here on OneZed DStv Channel 122 and GOtv Channel 2.