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Nguzu’s wives: The race to succession – Mpali

28 April 2021
We delve into what would happen if any of Nguzu’s wives were to be given control of the farm.
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For as long as we can remember, the Nguzu home has always been a hub of competition, where each of the wives have felt the need to outwit the other with the hopes of claiming their rightful place alongside Nguzu who sits on the throne; and now that the king has decided to retire, the queens are clenching their fists and are ready to throw them at anyone that dares to ruin their chances of being made successors. In no particular order, let’s explore what would happen if any of them were handed the ropes.

If ‘look at me, I’m made for money’ were a person, Tamara would be it. Like, how else did a damsel like her end up married to a farm tycoon old enough to be her father’s elder brother? Yup! Money, comfort and security! Judging by how she mingled with Hambe in the hopes of getting more Kwacha and deciding to allow her parents to marry her off, Tamara is all about herself – and if she were left in charge of the Nguzu estate, she’d probably sell it all to the highest bidder and go live her best life in the city. PS: We left the other wives out for a reason. They don’t matter in Tamara’s books!

Talk about estranged! Nancy has never really been too involved in the farm’s affairs, and besides always playing peacemaker, she could care less about how many more bananas were harvested this season. So, if she were to ascend to the throne, she’d probably sell everything like Tamara, share with the other wives for the sake of being civil (maybe) and hit the road, cross seas and fly over mountains, with no chance of returning. 

Junza the Mai Guru!
Of all the wives, Junza’s interest in the farm’s affairs can be measured above average. As the tale goes, she, the first wife, was with Nguzu back when their current reality was just a piped dream. Her interests in the running of the farm became so strong over the years, she even played Nguzu into signing everything over to her (remember that?) and almost turned the farm into a centre for the overworked and underpaid. Should she be handed the ‘boss boots’, she would probably reshuffle the employee puzzle, hire who she likes, and make the other wives earn every cent they’ll receive. Junza won’t splurge – she’ll invest and make everyone watch her blossom. Such a sight!


If we recall correctly, Monde has always felt like she doesn’t belong. She has had to fight extra hard to have Nguzu look her way. Her inferiority complex led her down a dark path once and instead of getting Nguzu’s attention like she had hoped, the spell the witch doctor cast quickly wore off and she was almost banished from the farm. We could be wrong, but if she were to be gifted a chance at leadership, Monde would probably ensure the farm is hers and hers alone – and whoever disputes this would be sent packing in a hurry.

Probably the dearest of Nguzu’s wives, Mwiza has always had favour with the king and despite the natural competition that exists in the home, the other wives are naturally tolerant of her. Although she has had her fair share of scandals (remember when she decided to leave the home and remarry) she’s always been the heart of the home. Should everything be left to her, she’ll probably be lenient and consider every single member of the Nguzu clan and their extensions. Mwinza would probably be fair and hold the spade as it should be held.

Can anyone say ‘DRAMATIC’?!?Though a pleasant character, Shupiwe has never been one to be messed with. She’ll smile with you, but quickly bring the house down if she feels her boundaries are being tested. It’s hard to tell whether she’d give everyone their fair share or if she would be gone with the wind – and that’s exactly what makes her such an interesting person. Our guess is she would stick around, employ the other wives, and make Mai Guru and Tamara pay for thinking they’re above her. It would be very interesting to watch, that we’ll tell you for free!

The wives obviously aren’t the only candidates Nguzu can choose his successor from. There’s Mwanida in Singapore, Cephas right down the road, and witty Tionenji with a graduation under her belt. Also, what if there are illegitimate children Nguzu has kept hidden somewhere?! ?The possibilities are endless!

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