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Date My Family Botswana

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Max goes all smiles for Kelly – DMF Botswana

15 August 2019
Max, maximise. Maximum – However you look at it, this week’s bachelor is as interesting at they come
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We're in the business of igniting sparks and this week, Max is it. Looking to settle down with a pretty young thang, Max will be meeting the families of three well-picked suitors.  

31-year-old Moemeli is a budding public transport entrepreneur whose smile gives away the obvious; kind, friendly and eager to make new connections. Obviously not bound by tradition courting methods, he describes his ideal match as calm, and an entrepreneurial spirit housed in a beautiful body. Touché!

Bubby and oozing life in all its flavours, Prudence describes her ideal partner as well-built, well-financed and well-mannered – It is well sister! As described by her family, anyone as outgoing as her would be the perfect complement.

The 22-year-old professional nurse just isn’t here for the ‘tender boys’ without guaranteed pension packages. Visibly outgoing and basking in the fountain of her youth, Tlhaefo says she wants a guys as  caring as he’s clean.

If tall, dark and handsome were a person, they’d definitely be the ying to Kelly’s yang. The 21-year-old entrepreneur and philanthropy enthusiast says she wants a man that religiously rooted, possesses strong family values and one that would ride those rough life-tides with her.

 After an interesting round of dates with our suitors’ representatives, Max pulled out the big guns and aimed at lucky Kelly who willingly obliged and play-bled all the way to the dinner table. It’s definitely safe to say that Max won the ‘impress Kelly’ battle and came out bearing medals because the two toasted to many more date. Congratulations to both of them.  Miss the episode, seeth your teeth into the highlight below:

Want to be a part of the Show this season? Click here to enter your details now, and we could be featuring your episode on this season of the hit reality dating show, Date My Family Botswana.

Date My Family Botswana is on every Thursdays at 21:30hrs and repeats on Fridays at 17:30hrs and Saturdays at 15:30hrs and Sundays at 19:00hrs. Join the conversation by using #DMFBots on social media.