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Date My Family Uganda


The dating game – Date My Family

23 February 2022
From what we've seen on previous episodes, dating is not for everyone.
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Are you in the market and hoping your prince charming will come and whisk you away to a romantic destination? Think again because the dating game changes every day.

On Date My Family, we have seen bachelors stating their preferences when it comes to women. The last two instalments of the show made us question if love really exists.

Robert Mugenyi, a “bachelor” on the show, revealed that he was a married man who's been happily so for 10 years. Say what now? He explained that his wife is a housewife who doesn't go out. So, the reason he was looking for a date was to get a party animal, someone to go out with all night. Confusing right? It's the dating game, and you know what they say about not blaming the player but the game. But it’s still confusing!

Another bachelor who caught our attention was Okiria Emmanuel. He was specific to a T about what he's looking for in a woman. However, there was confusion when he mentioned that he did not mind the woman's marital status. "I don't have a problem if the woman is married or not," he said. Does marital status have no value these days? ?

So, is there still love out there?

Maybe it all depends on how one defines it. One thing is for sure: we learn every day! Whether one chooses to accept the game or not is totally up to them.

Catch Date My Family every Sunday at 8 pm on Pearl Magic Prime DStv channel 148 and GOtv Supa channel 305.