Pearl Magic
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Reasons why we’ll miss Damalie – Damalie

26 March 2024
As we bid farewell to Damalie's first season, it's impossible not to reflect on why this show captured the hearts of audiences on both Pearl Magic and Pearl Magic Prime.
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From the outset, Damalie emerged as a formidable force—a woman unafraid to navigate the murky waters of business in pursuit of her ambitions. 

Her methods may have been unconventional, but Damalie possessed an unwavering determination to seize what she desired. No obstacle was too daunting for her to overcome; she simply bulldozed her way through any opposition. 

Let's journey back and revisit the moments where Damalie showcased her indomitable spirit: 

  • The affair with Joel: Despite societal norms and ethical boundaries, Damalie pursued her desires, engaging in an affair with her sister’s husband, Joel, finding solace in his arms while her own husband remained oblivious. 

  • Land acquisition from Bumali: In her quest to expand her empire, Damalie resorted to ruthless measures, including burning down Bumali’s home when he refused to sell her the land she desired—a decision that would come back to haunt her
  • Financial deception towards Charles: Exploiting her husband's trust, Damalie siphoned funds meant for their joint business into her personal accounts, concealing her ownership of additional properties from him.

  • Confrontation with Nanteza: When Nanteza threatened to expose Damalie's misdeeds, Damalie silenced her by manipulating medical professionals to discredit her. 

  • Faking being in coma:  After a supposed accident, Damalie cunningly feigned unconsciousness to eavesdrop on conversations among her visitors, leveraging the gathered intel to further her own agenda. 

As the curtain falls on this season, it's undeniable that Damalie's saga has kept viewers on the edge of their seats since its debut in August. 

Let's raise a toast to the gripping finale airing on Tuesday, March 26th at 7:30 pm, streaming on Pearl Magic (DStv Channel 161, GOtv Channel 301) and Pearl Magic Prime (DStv Channel 148, GOtv Channel 303).