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Reasons why Pearl Magic Prime is the best

19 February 2022
If you have not been part of the Pearl Magic Prime family over the past year, where have you been?
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A year ago, Pearl Magic Prime launched, and it has been a marvel to witness Ugandan producers dishing out fresh and exciting content on our screens.

Let us take a moment and reflect on why this one-year milestone is such a big deal.

We introduced five never-before-seen shows, and the list is growing.


Sanyu is a young village girl whose dream was to become a fashion designer. Unforeseen circumstances led her to delay her dream when she could not raise money to further her studies.

However, as fate would have it, she worked as a maid for one of the wealthiest families in Kampala, exposing her to their line of business: fashion.

Being in the city also made her toughen up faster, as people exploited her talent. She also had her fair share of disappointments when it came to love.


Power, greed, and lust have been the order of the day in Prestige. After Eunice married her sister Jasmine’s boyfriend, Jeje, a war started.

Jasmine has spent most of her life plotting revenge on her sister, and most times, she has been successful in hurting her.

Finally, by hopping into bed with Jeje, she managed to break up Jeje and Eunice's marriage. As if that was not enough, she went and sold the family business to their father's staunch enemy, Roman Kaliisa.


Sometimes being away from your family too long has repercussions. Apollo thought travelling and making money was more important, and that is when he lost them all.

Catherine started having multiple partners for different reasons, and Hope had to be the keeper of all her sister's secrets and mischievous ways.

Apollo’s wife Sandra became Kampala’s social butterfly, who only attended the most elite parties. His only son, Bill, started mixing with the wrong crowd in his quest to become a businessman.

However, hope was restored when his sister, Senga, decided to take things into her own hands and put them in line. She ensured her brother's family was not dragging down the Musoke name.

Her unconventional ways of discipline made her become an enemy to his brother's family, but she did not care.

Mama and Me

On Mama and Me, we saw the struggle of a single mother, Amito, accused of killing her husband, and going above and beyond to prove her innocence.

Her teenage daughters May, Diane, and Pearl also believed that she was responsible to make matters even worse.

She had to find a way of balancing everyday struggles, work, and being emotionally stable enough to deal with teenage daughters and her in-laws.

Taxi 24

This hilarious comedy looks at taxi rides and how commuters navigate the challenges of using public transport.

If it's not the shortage of money in the taxi, it's the passengers not being clear enough for the driver to take them exactly where they want to go.

It's hilarious to see that passengers have somehow accepted that taxi rides come with a lot of unnecessary drama that they love to hate.

As we continue to celebrate Pearl Magic Prime's 1st birthday, stay glued to DStv channel 148 and GOtv Supa channel 305.