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The month of love wish list – Between Us

23 February 2022
For people like Musunguzi and Zebidayo, hate and envy have always been what they know.
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The same goes for the likes of Kate, who never wants to see other people happy. If we had it our way, these are the things we would like to see on Between Us so that love can prevail.

Kate having her way

The only reason Kate has made it her life's mission to sabotage Rosemary is that she does not get the love Rosemary is getting from her marriage.

And it is a double blow for her because her husband, Petero, is also in love with Rosemary.

So, in this month of love, we wish for Kate to have all her heart's desires granted. If it is a devoted man she wants, may she get him so everyone can live in peace.

Rosemary making a decision

We cannot fault Kate alone in this tricky situation. Rosemary has two men who want to eat from the palm of her hand, and she enjoys it.

However, Kate would not be coming for her all the time Rosemary would only choose one. What happened to fairness and equality? If anything, Rosemary wants her bread buttered on both sides.

So, can Rosemary choose who she wants in her life, Petero or Tembo?

Zebidayo and Musunguzi smoking the peace pipe

Ever since we have known these two, they would rather starve to death than go knock on their neighbour's door to ask for food. It has always been like this.

When Rosemary (daughter to Musunguzi) and Petero (nephew to Zebidayo) started seeing each other, one would have assumed the animosity between the two families would die out. Instead, another war started making it difficult for Rosemary and Petero to continue seeing each other. Indeed, their relationship ended even though they claim to love each other.

For everything, there is an end. And we hope Zebidayo and Musunguzi will find a solution to this never-ending feud. If not for themselves, maybe for their children and generations to come.

Catch Between Us every Friday at 7:30 pm on Pearl Magic Prime DStv channel 161 and GOtv channel 304.