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Chaos erupts at Chelsea's wedding – Prestige

06 April 2022
No one will say they did not see this one coming, Chelsea included.
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What was supposed to be a special moment for Chelsea and Wes turned ugly when Wes's wife Maria showed up looking for her husband.

The ceremony was already underway when a group of women led by Maria barged into the Kintu household.

"I'm here for my husband. He's still married to me, and he's coming with", shouted the wife before grabbing Wes and shoving him into the car.

Guests at the ceremony were left stunned and shocked at what transpired.

Will they get married?

Both parties are at a crossroads. Wes is still a married man and according to Chelsea's ex-boyfriend Crispin, they are not divorcing anytime soon.

The day before the ceremony, Chelsea and Crispin spent the night together, leading to Crispin revealing that he still wants a chance with Chelsea.

"I saw your fiancé with a woman, his wife. And from the little I could hear, it doesn't seem like they are divorcing anytime soon," Crispin told Chelsea.

However, Chelsea knew that accepting Wes's proposal was a gamble and playing with fire too. Nothing Wes has done has fully convinced Chelsea that Wes will leave his wife.

Chelsea could have waited for their divorce to be through without rushing into the union before starting with her marriage arrangements.

Now her family knows that she is engaged to a married man. Will her family allow her to continue with the relationship?

Her sister Malaika has been against the relationship since she found out that her sister was dating a married man. Will Jeje and Eunice follow suit?

Will Chelsea finally see that nothing good comes with dating a married man?

Follow the story as it continues to unfold on Prestige every weekday on Pearl Magic Prime DStv channel 148 and GOtv Supa channel 305.