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zulu man in traditional wear


King Zwide kaLanga
Wiseman Mncube

Uzwide kaLanga
Unonkenkel' abantu bahlatshwe
Kuhlatsgw'iminyango enesisila
Yena bangamhlabi

Zwide, son of Langa
The one who stings and people feel the sting
It’s the tail-ends that get stung
And he doesn’t get stung

Zwide, son of the feared Queen Ntombazi and King Langa. He was a shrewd and dangerous warrior who out-maneuvered his adversaries with deft strategy and ruthlessness. He shared his mother’s ambitions to build an empire and was fiercely committed to protecting and providing for his people.





Woman wearing an African headdress
Woman wearing isicholo
man wearing a neckpiece

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