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Clash Of The Choirs SA

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FAQ'S – Clash of the Choirs South Africa

21 June 2023
Everything you need to know
Clash of the choirs SA


1. Who may enter?

Choirs which consists of singers who are aged 19 years and above - as of 21 June.

2. How old should I be to enter Clash of the Choirs South Africa?

You will need to be 19-50 years old to enter Clash of the Choirs South Africa.

3. Do I have to be a South African citizen?

You should be a South African citizen or have a valid permit or permanent residence status in the country of South Africa.

4. May only heterosexual people enter?

Electronic Media Network and The Goat Africa is committed to equal opportunities for all, irrespective of race, color, creed, ethnic origins, gender, marital status, sexuality, disability or age. We will monitor contributor selection with the aim of fully representing South Africa’s diverse population. No one will be excluded from taking part in the program on the grounds of race, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.

5. Can employees or associates of the show enter the show?

Employees of The Goat Originals, Electronic Media Network Propriety Limited or the MultiChoice Group of Companies or any of the M.I.H. Group of companies may not enter the show.

6. May I enter the show if I have been on other reality shows?

Yes, given that you disclose all the reality shows you have participated in.

7. What type of pictures should I send?

We would be looking for video that show cases ones singing ability, both as an individual or choir.

8. Will a background check be done on all entrants? Should be a background and criminal checks

If you are short-listed, you also agree to authorise the Producers to conduct background checks in order to verify any of the information supplied. Please note that consenting to these checks is no guarantee of being chosen to participate.

9. What type of individuals is Clash of the Choirs looking for and do I need to meet specific criteria?

Any individuals who can sing or aspire to be in a choir or are part of a choir.

10. When do entry’s close?

Entries open from 21 June and will close on 24 August 2023.

We reserve the right to extend the closing date if we feel necessary.

11. When will I be notified if I am successful or not?

You will only be contacted by the production company for further details should your entry be shortlisted.

Should your entry be successful and shortlisted, the production company will contact you within 60 days of receipt of your application.

12. May I enter the show more than once to improve my chances?

Multiple entries per person are not permitted.

Entries are only valid if correctly submitted on the entry platform.

13. Do I have to agree to all the terms and conditions to enter?

Your valid submission of your entry constitutes your binding acceptance of the terms and conditions contained herein.


1. How long do I need to be available for the production?

You need to be available for filming during September and December 2023

2. Is wardrobe provided or do we bring our own clothes?

We will work with the wardrobe you have to help you look dashing. A Wardrobe personal       will assist with such

3. Will there be any medical, physical or psychological screenings?

If you are short listed by the Producers, you must be prepared to undergo psychological and medical screenings. Please note that the full details of this will be explained to you in advance.

4.Will we be filmed for 24 hours? Yes, they will be filmed 24 hours?


5.Will there be hidden cameras? There will be a toilet camera which is monitored but never aired


6.Will I have control over what is put on air about me on the show?

You do not have editorial control of the content. The Producers decision on what to air is final but we will only ever use material provided to us by the participants.

7. Will I have access to the outside world once I am successful?

You will have limited access to the outside world and technology.

8. Where will the shooting location be situated?

Auditions will be in ones home town

Semi finals will be in Johannesburg

9. How many choirs will we be competing against?

This will be revealed at a later stage.

10. Will I be medically covered during my time on Clash of the Choirs?

There will be general cover for any incidences that may accure on set or

11. Do I have to participate in every activity that is planned on the show?


12. Will I get paid to compete on Clash of the Choirs?

No. But travel/ accommodation etc will be covered

13. Can I quit at any stage?
