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In The Dock

BBM_S4_Profile Images 3200 x 1800 Neo


Full name: Neo
Age: 21
Occupation: Content Creator / Fitness Coach

How do you move in relationships?
A girl doesn't kiss and tell no shapa people with stinas. They have shapa'd me once so I know the feeling. You know I'm very kind, very nice. I'm very territorial, what's mine is mine and in this economy everyone wants to share and I don't want to a be part of that sharing so please mark me absent.

What does S’ya Mosha mean to you?
We're literally going after everything that we want. We're distracting!

How are you a disruptor?
Because I'm bringing the vibes, I'm bringing the disruption, I'm bringing the style, I'm bringing the glitz, the glam. Listen! Everything that is positive and elegant - boss lady! That's exactly what I'm bringing.