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The Queen: No Joy for Miss Vee

19 July 2017
Joy goes on stealing Vuyiswa's chance at happiness while Jerry goes missing the point.

Jerry’s finally made the decision to take Joy’s hand in marriage. He’s chose to acknowledge Joy’s fairytale love over Vuyiswa’s. After too many disappointments and failed ultimatums it appears Joy and Jerry have found a happy ending. But is it all that simple?  

When Joy dropped by to tell Jerry and Boi that she was headed back to the US to pursue her career, Jerry decided to propose marriage to her and beg her to stay. In his mind, Joy leaving the country was tantamount to the end of their romance. He took a leap of faith, declared his love and she bit.

But it appears Joy has unfinished business with a certain “DeShawn” all the way on the other side of the globe. As the story goes, Joy was involved with the mystery man to whom she is still engaged. Yup. Joy is engaged to not one, but two men.

Rumour has it that this was Joy’s way of getting Jerry to step it up. But perhaps it’s time Jerry got shaken and stirred by the weight of his actions – or lack thereof. Unfortunately, Miss Vee also found herself caught in the cross-fire when, having missed the memo of Jerry and Joy’s engagement, walked head first into rejection. Jerry notified her – in his usual tone deaf manner – that he had taken up with Joy, leaving Miss Vee perplexed, red-faced and heartbroken.  

While it looks like Vuyiswa’s dusted the rejection off, looks are clearly deceiving here. A gaping whole of love lost remains.

Will she leave Jerry and Joy be or can she fight another day? Did Joy tell a little white lie to get a stubborn Jerry on board? Is Jerry even worth it?

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