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QUIZ: Can the real sociopath please stand up?

28 September 2017
They're all crazy, but just how crazy are we talking?
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Harriet is back at it. Lying through her teeth. Lying and smiling. But she isn’t the only one who’s got us conflicted. The Khozas are brand of crazy like no other. This family is a mixed bag of tricks. Juggling various balls of treachery, secrets, torture all in the name of legacy, loyalty and love. If you, like us, can’t tell who’s good and who’s bad then maybe you can tell who is the craziest. Take a quiz!

1.Who is most likely to lie under oath, or under any circumstance really?

A. Gracious, if it means destroying the Khozas.

B. Goodness, as a command from her mom.

C. Brutus, if forced to say a bad thing about himself or his family name!

D. Harriet, because if she doesn’t, then the world might see her for who she really is.

2.Who is capable of throttling an enemy to death, with the bare hands?

  1. Boi. She’s been around the world and seen it all. She’s not afraid to whip out her pocket and scratch a hater!
  2. Kagiso. Still waters, run deep!
  3. Kea. Well, her bad temper might see her try. But she wouldn’t get too far because she’s actually a softie and she’d actually rather keep her acrylics in tact.
  4. Shaka. It takes very little to get a right punch in the face from this guy.

3.Who’s said that they were sorry, when they clearly didn’t mean it?

  1. Gracious, when she gloated to Harriet that Kagiso is now a part of her camp.
  2. Goodness, when she was lied to Kagiso about everything!
  3. Vuysiwa, when she ‘friendzoned’ Bakang for the umpteenth time!
  4. Harriet, when she a.) lied to Gracious about being her husbands killer and b.) apologized for it.

4.Who is bad by nurture and not by nature?

  1. Kgosi. Harriet is the leader and he must but follow.
  2. Goodness. She needed to avenge the brutal killing of her father.
  3. Kagiso. One thing led to another and another. But it’s really all Harriet’s fault.
  4. Shaka. When your uncle is Brutus you don’t stand a chance.

5.Which torture tactic was the worst here?

  1. When Brutus and Shaka abducted Harriet in the middle of the night, threw her in the middle of the forest and flung dirty water at her to force her to admit to killing Mzi.
  2. When Brutus and Shaka cornered Violet on her way home, abducted her and held her hostage so she could reveal Goodness’ true identity.
  3. When Gracious found a way to get Brutus into her chambers and hold him hostage.
  4. When Brutus and Shaka  shackled Kwanele’s limbs and rode around in circles with him tied to the back of their bakkie.


 Mostly A’s – Entitled sociopath

Gracious, Shaka

This type of sociopath enjoys dethroning authority and lives with a sense that the world owes them nothing but the best.

Mostly B’s – Reputation defender sociopath

Goodness, Kagiso

For this personality type status and security is very key. They view themselves as flawless and are often undefeatable. They are also relentless in their pursuit of status or security or what is in their eyes, right.  

Mostly C’s – Common sociopath

Kagiso, Kea

This sub-section of crazies is often spoilt rotten by bad parenting or malevolent guidance. Their whole world view is shaped by bad actions rationalized. They are rebellious but often poor judges of character.

Mostly C’s – Narcissist sociopath  

Brutus, Harriet

There is no turning back for this particular brand of psychos. They lie with a smile on theor face and suffer no remorse. For these types the means always justify the ends and you’ll never find them lamenting over their bad choices.

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