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Samuel and Theo's Love Story – OPW

14 April 2019
Love from the internet to the alter!
<p>Sam and Theo</p>

Samuel and Theo met on an internet dating site in 2016, Sam says he knew from her profile picture that she was deifinitely the one. He wanted to try a different approach to dating and it certainly paid off!  They met face to face in September 2017, even though they both had respective partners and they just hugged and spoke. Sam says he was so nervous and taken aback by her beauty.

The second meeting was in November 2017, when Samuel managed to hook her up with some business and they have been inseperable ever since.

How did Theo know he was the one? She loved the fact that Sam was business minded, intelligent, loving and caring " He would give sacrifice everything and go without so others can have."  She says. Samuel loves that Theo accepts his 6 children and has helped unify his family, he describes her as love itself!

These two are big on partnership and know to tackle life's hurdles together! "There was a time when we had nothing but we managed to stick together." he said.  They speak of the tough times they have had to endure, with 8 children to feed, a blind mother- in- law and basic needs that needed to be met.

 The trials didn't last long, and now they feel it's the right time to celebrate their love. Theo says their love proves that anything is possibe as she is a divorcee with two children and she still managed to find her life partner. 

Tonight, they take us all the way to Bloemfontein, for both traditional and western wedding, stay tuned to watch their journey to the alter.

Tune into Our Perfect Wedding to share in more Mzansi couples' love stories on Mzansi Magic, DStv channel 161.

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