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Five platforms that advocate for men – Vuka Mjita

15 August 2024
We see you, men
Holding hands

In South Africa, men's mental health has been receiving more attention, leading to the development of various programs and platforms dedicated to supporting men. In light of Vuka Mjita, a Mzansi Wethu show dedicated to men and is focused on helping them break away from damaging sterotypes. Here are five platforms you need to be aware of: 

1. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) - Men's Mental Health Programs

SADAG is a well-known mental health organization in South Africa, offering support and resources for various mental health issues. They have specific programs and support groups focused on men, addressing issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Find out more here:

2. ManKind Project South Africa

The ManKind Project is an international organization with a strong presence in South Africa. It offers programs and workshops specifically designed for men, focusing on emotional literacy, personal growth, and building a supportive community. Find out more here: 

3. Men's Foundation of South Africa

This foundation is dedicated to men's health and well-being, focusing on mental health, suicide prevention, and prostate cancer. They work to raise awareness and provide support specifically tailored to men in South Africa. Find out more here: 

4. Brothers for Life

Brothers for Life is a health and wellness initiative that targets men in South Africa, focusing on issues such as HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, and mental health. They aim to promote positive masculinity and support men in leading healthier lives.  Find out more here:

5. The Men's Clinic International

This clinic offers specialized services for men, including mental health counseling. They address issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress, providing a confidential and supportive environment for men to seek help.  Find out more here:

These platforms provide valuable resources and support specifically for men's mental health in South Africa. 

Be sure to catch Mondli Mokhaba host Vuka Mjita on Mzansi Wethu, every Sunday at 20:00.