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Ring Of Lies


Ring Of Lies: Fall from grace

21 September 2017
Who needs more help? Ruth or Ma'Mtshali?
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Sometimes, sorry is simply a sorry little word. When the offence is too big, too troubling to overlook. When there is no justice only time lost and loss itself. Ma’Ruth abducted Sli from her biological parents at birth. For years she lived with this secret, jumping through hoops to hide it. As do all skeletons in the closet, the lie came out. She was handed a heavy jail sentence and experienced some harsh realities behind bars.

But now that she’s been released from prison, is she free?

The truth is that Ruth is yet to face the consequences of her actions. Having built herself up as an upstanding woman of God and member of the community, her plummet from grace is tough because she is indeed falling from a high place.

Surely she’s done the time for her crime? Unfortunately this is far from the case. Especially for Thando and Sli’s biological dad. To them, Ruth is the woman that stole their child. She is not a good person and she ought to feel their pain.

There seems to be more to Ma’Mtshali’s distaste though. She appears set on kicking Ruth out of the picture and replacing her. Sli’s father, on the other hand, is flaky and non-committal. Not so long ago he shirked any responsibility choosing rather, his well-to-do life and career over nourishing a relationship with his daughter.

Coming out of prison back into the real world seems to have given Ruth the chance to reflect on the changes in her home. As she wonders if Mandla is truly the man for her, she still shares a strong bond with Sli.

But what does the future look like with Ma’Mtshali leering in the back ground? Will Ma’Mtshali ever forgive Ruth?

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