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From Dabula to Somahhashi – Isibaya

05 February 2019
Dabula has risen to the occasion from ex-convict to chief of eBhubesini
dabula to somahhashi

He was the most unlikely candidate for the chieftaincy; so unlikely it didn’t seem he would last even a week in the royal house. From questionable friendships that brought nothing but trouble to a forbidden love affair, it didn’t look like Dabula had it in him to be chief. However, with a little work and training, it seems he is proving himself daily. However, the mall deal may be the biggest test of his integrity as chief.

Dabula was just a city boy with questionable criminal friends when he arrived in Bhubesini, and it seemed he was set to do more trouble than good. From drinking on the royal premises to disrespecting elders to his fling with Kentucky, Dabula did not seen to be the kind of man who could ever be king.

His arrival alone set the tone for the kind of chief Bhubesini was receiving. He came in motorbikes and gusheshes blazing in the middle of a council meeting led by Ngwebedla.

However, he has now risen to the occasion in a way Ngwebedla was never ready for. He received mentoring from Duma and started a close friendship with Samson Ndlovu who gave him insight into the ins and outs of eBhubesini. In no time, he had become a strategic and knowledgeable chief.

However, the chief still remains power and money hungry even after the many changes he has undergone. Now, a chance for him to make R100-million has landed conveniently on his lap. All he has to do is sacrifice the people of Bhubesini and the promises he has made to them. 

The deal came unexpectedly for the chief but he did not shy away from the money when it was presented to him. Ngwebedla sought a consortium that wanted to build a mall in eBhubesini. Little did anyone know, that there is in fact no mall that will be built, instead the money will be shared amongst corrupt business partner – partners that Dabula is now part of. Dabula has already killed for this deal, but he seems to be getting cold feet. 

To cut this deal and get the money Dabula must betray the people of eBhubesini, his friend Samson Ndlovu on whose land the mall would have been built and the love of his life Ntwenhle Ndlovu.

It is a tough decision to make for the chief who seemed to be turning a new leaf. Will he choose power or his people? Will he chose R100-million or the love of his life?

Who or what would you choose? Stay tuned to #Isibaya every Monday to Friday at 20:30 to see what choice Dabula makes.