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Celebrating Nox and MaShenge – DiepCity

09 May 2022
It started with MaShenge hating Nox but now they are mother-daughter besties.
celebrating nox and mashenge mothers day article

Did you ever think you would see the day when MaShenge would show her first born daughter, Nox some love? We didn’t. MaShenge’s heart has been so cold towards Nox from the first episode of DiepCity season one. Remember how she beat Nox almost to a pulp when she returned home from prison?

After Nox’s brother Sbu, died while her and her friends were busy robbing a house in the suburbs, it seemed all hope was lost for a mother-daughter reconciliation. MaShenge viewed her daughter as a criminal at every moment, something we learned she had been doing since Nox was a child.

So what caused a change? It took Nox shooting Mgedeza while defending her father’s honour for things to change. MaShenge saw the whole thin and is now holding on to the secret and protecting her daughter because she finally realized that she contributed to Nox becoming a criminal with her ill-treatment of her. Bonga, who we were all surprised to learn is her stepfather because he treats like his on daughter, has also defended Nox aginst her mother through thick and thin forcing MaShenge to change on many occasions. 

When the DiepCity cast told us that the telenovela was a story that mothers and daughters could learn from, we were never ready for this roller-coaster ride of emotions. But seeing MaShenge and Nox finally defending each other and loving each other makes it all worth it.

To see more of this mother-daughter love story, tune into #DiepCity every Monday to Friday at 20:30.