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Our faves exit the friendzone – Isithembiso

25 September 2018
Your Isithembiso faves show us how to exit the friend zone like the pro's they are!
<p>Palesa and Cheez</p>

As students trying their best to keep afloat, some of your faves have been through the most trying to balance school, drama and family matters. We have seen them overcome a lot, and the friendzone is another area they have conquered! We take a look at the up and coming couples who were friends that stepped out of the friendzone with a kiss.

Palesa and Cheez : Misunderstood hotties 

We were quite sad about saying bye to our favourite love birds, Bhambatha and Palesa. Now, we are gladly behind the 'out with the old and in with the new' stance. When Palesa and Banzi managed to scheme some good money out of Cheez at a game of pool, Cheeze was infatuated with the street smart princess and didn't waste time letting her know it!  Palesa was quick to set him straight into the friendzone until the pool tournament brought the two together once again. Cheeze went in for a kill, sealing the chemistry with a passionate kiss and it seems there's no turning back for the two! 

Abednego and Chunks : Larger than life hustlers 

Abednego and Chunks showed us to catfish all the way out of the friendzone! They both decided to join Swipe, a popular dating App that allowed them to fabricate all kinds of lies to make them seem attractive. When Oscar caught wind of the whole situation, he played match maker and forced the two to meet up. At first, it didn't go well at all, until Abenego kissed Chunks and stole her soul! We definitely think these two are well suited for each other. 


Mo and Mk : Rebels with a cause 

Mo and Mk are all about justice and student rights! The perfect pairing, with Mo having her own share of power at the campus radios station - MK and his uncensored truth has always been a risk for her. Although, they started off in two different corners, sparks flew when the two co- hosted a show together that helped them realise what a match they were! MK finally sealed it with a kiss and then like the rebel he is, was even more fuelled to take down Mr Shimvambu and his office! This is like our very own Madiba and Mama Winnie reincarnated! 

Whether we are talking two revolutionaries, two gorgeous misfits or two hard working people that take care of the students, we love that love is blossoming at every corner for our faves!