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Top tips from Zola – Celeb Feasts

29 January 2019
Quick and easy tips to raise things up a level in the kitchen.

Cooking doesn't have to be as hard as it looks. The incredible Chef Zola has been steadily showing us incredible ways to raise the taste level with some easy tips that bring a whole new level to the culinary treats you create in the kitchen.

So take a look at the best three from this past week that you can give a go the next time you throw it down with the pots and pans.

Smoke it!

We’ve all heard of and probably even had some form of smoked meat. The flavourful method of preparing food makes for absolutely delicious cuisines and is highly popular across the nation. But did you know you can make your own version of smoked meat right in the comfort of your home?

All it takes is selecting the appropriate flavor profile, in Zola’s case she used rooibos tea. The trick though however is to add an ingredient that will actually burn and for that Chef Zola used rice. If you’d like to give it a go on your own, take a look at the full recipe and process here

Here’s the scoop

Few things are as tricky as egg to handle, especially when you need to separate the egg whites from the yolk. Almost everyone has had the unfortunate experience of trying to scoop out something unwanted from their bowl full of egg and they can certainly tell you how agonizing a process it can be.

Thankfully though there’s a simple solution. Instead of using a cooking utensil like a spoon, take the empty egg shell you just cracked and use that to scoop up everything you don’t desire.

Shine baby, shine!

Cooking is all about letting your inner personality shine, adding a touch of flare and most importantly having fun. While preparing her rice pudding desert, Chef Zola whipped out her blow torch to add some pizzazz to the meringue topping. The simple addition elevated the sweet dessert to a whole new level and had her guests even more eager to dig in.

So don’t be afraid to add a little sparkle to your creations. You never know what may come out of it!

Happy cooking!

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