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Tshegofatso’s tragic death – The Throne

10 October 2019
Sello’s two wives fight and Tshegofatso ends up lying in a pool of blood
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She made a dramatic entrance during Sello Morule and Odirile’s wedding celebration with one mission: To stop the celebration and claim her husband, Sello.  

Tshegofatso Morule has been at loggerheads with Odirile since the day she arrived and at some point, she seemed to have the upper hand. But did she really stand a chance against Odirile?

I mean, we all know how Odirile rolls, right? Basically, if you challenge or threaten her, you’re most likely going to end up dead. Remember what happened to Mosetsana?  


What’s Odirile’s next move? Is she going to secretly bury Tshegofatso’s body, cry self-defense? So many questions!    


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