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Thabang is boyfriend of the year! – Housekeepers

10 December 2018
Five reasons why he takes the cup!
thabang housekeepers mzansi

It’s one thing to be the kind of lover who buys roses and remembers anniversaries with special gestures. But it’s completely another to risk your life all in the name of helping your girlfriend clear her late mother’s name. Thabang is LEYVELS when it comes to being a stellar boyfriend fam!

  1. He emptied his bank account for Mtho

Thabang withdrew and deposited into Linda’s account an entire R7 000 to contribute towards Mtho’s private hospital operation for his heart condition. It may not seem like much, until you consider that it was all he had his savings.

  1. He tried to take out a loan for Mtho’s operation

As if it wasn’t enough that he cleared out his savings for his girlfriend’s brother, but he also tried to take out a loan both at a bank and at work for Mtho. The bank loan was denied and the loan at work was also denied because he had only been working at the company for 6 months. What a champ though!

  1. He risked his life and helped Linda “rob” the Zwides

It is not really robbing considering we know that the entire Zwide estate belongs to Linda and her brother. However, Thabang wore the balaclava, robbed the safe and tied Linda up all as part of the plan for Mtho to get the money needed for his operation. Just as he was tying Linda up, the Zwide’s walked in and he had to fight Peter off in a near death experience to walk away safe. Is there any greater love than the Bonnie and Clyde kind?


  1. He covered for Linda at her mother’s funeral just as Peter was about to see her

We all thought it was the moment of reckoning: Peter walked right up to the car Linda was in thinking she was just another on of June Ndlovu’s family members and not the woman who had been taking care of his son for weeks. But like a knight in shining armour, Thabang was quick to stand in front of the window and save Linda from being discovered and possibly death. A man who is always on time – what a gem!

  1. He’ll do anything for Linda!

It’s a blessing and a curse. He loves Linda clealy to death and will do just about anything for her. The downside – he simply can’t talk any sense into her, so he’ll have to follow all her dangerous plans.

Will Thabang be another casualty in Linda devious plans? Or will he live to see the outcome of the love of his life’s great plan for revenge and reckoning? Stay tune to #HousekeepersMzansi to find out!