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Could the real kidnapper please stand up? – Isibaya

12 February 2019
For real, who kidnapped MaMkhize?
who is kidnapper isibaya

Mpiyakhe Zungu is losing his mind and good morals trying to find his new wife, MaMkhize. The two were married just a couple of weeks ago in a beautiful traditional Zulu wedding and just when they were supposed to jet off on honeymoon, MaMkhize disappeared into thin air. The question is – who kidnapped the third Mrs Zungu?

Judas Ngwenya

A man like Mpiyakhe Zungu is not short of enemies from all of the country and maybe even the world. However, his greatest adversary has to be Judas Ngwenya. Mtimande also has the greatest to gain from MaMkhize’s disappearance making him an obvious suspect. Having Sibongile Mkhize Zungu out of the way would allow him to capture Operation Khuculula and push Zungu out of it.

In haste, Zungu has already kidnapped Judas and tried to torture both him and his son Qaphela to get the truth about his wife’s whereabouts – but Judas really seems to know nothing. Could Judas be innocent this time? The last time a member of the Zungu family was attacked or kidnapped, Judas was to blame. He spared no one including children. Has he gone back to his old ways or is he using new tactics now?

Chief Dabula

A new enemy Mpiyakhe Zungu has made with little effort is Chief Dabula. No one is quite sure when it started but within weeks, Dabula and Zungu seemed to be on the brink of a war. Dabula threatened to take Zungu land to build a road leading to a mall and Mpiyakhe had made a promise to kill him in front of the Bhubesini royal council.

Does Dabula’s hatred for what he sees as Mpiyakhe Zungu’s arrogance run deep enough to drive him to kidnap Sibongile as revenge? If he does, could he even get-away with such a risk?


The last we had heard about Ngwebedla, Dabula had all but confessed to having killed him. However, Lekalakala’s contact are revealing that he may have been the one to kidnap Sibongile. It seems obvious that it is a cover up and Dabula is the real kidnapper, but let’s remember Ngwebelda is as slippery as a snake. Kidnapping and evil schemes are also not new to him as an old friend of Sunday Nkabinde.

Does he have the guts to take on Mpiyakhe Zungu in such a way?

Officer Mocumi

The only other man we have seen to confess his undying love for Sibongile is her old partner in the force, Mocumi. He didn’t seem pleased to have Zungu walk in on him and MaMkhize during a wine and chill session. However, is he so jealous that he could kidnap her and hide the fact while leading the case to find her?

Sibongile’s kidnapper could be pretty much anyone at this point. Who do you think did such a terrible thing the new Mr and Mrs Zungu?

Stay tuned to #Isibaya Monday to Friday to find out!