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Milk Tart Spring Rolls - Celeb Feasts

19 February


Recipe courtesy of Zola Nene.


For the filling:

2 Cups Milk

2 Egg yolks

1/2 Cup Huletts castor sugar

2 Tablespoons Flour

2 Tablespoons Corn flour

1 Teaspoon Vanilla extract

1 Teaspoon Ground cinnamon

For the spring roll wrappers:

1 Egg white

Oil for frying


Heat milk to scalding point. 

In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, flour and corn flour. 

Pour the boiling milk into the egg mixture, while continuously whisking. 

Return mixture to the pot and cook on medium heat until thickened, while continuously stirring. 

Stir in the vanilla and the cinnamon, transfer to a bowl, cover with cling film and leave to cool completely. 

Spoon onto spring roll wrappers and roll them up into neat cigars. Seal the edges with egg white. Deep fry (5cm oil is enough) until golden and crisp. Drain and serve immediately 

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