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Shaka Ilembe

161Drama16 VL

Young Shaka

Shaka kaSenzangakhona
Ntando Zondi (10-years)

UNodumehlezi kaMenzi,
USishaka kasishayeki kanjengamanzi,
Ilemb’eleq’ amany’amalembe ngokukhalipha,
UShaka ngiyesab’ ukuthi nguShaka.

He who is famous without effort, son of Menzi.
He who beats but is not beaten, unlike water.
The axe that surpasses other axes in sharpness ...
Shaka, I fear to say he is Shaka

Son of Queen Nandi and Zulu King Senzangakhona kaJama. Shaka and his mother were outcasts who endured hardships which shaped him to become a legendary leader and warrior. His story of unwavering determination and unbreakable will is a testament to the power of the human spirit. He went on to conquer and unify many kingdoms to build the Zulu nation and left an indelible mark on African history that continues to fascinate people around the world.

woman wearing a headpiece
Man wearing a headdress and a neckpiece
boy wearing a neckpiece

More on Shaka iLembe