King Senzangakhona kaJama
Senzo Radebe
Owaphoth' intamb' ende umntakaJama, Wayiphotha yafik'
ezulwini, Lapho nezithutha zakoMageba zingeyukufinyelela,
Ziyawuthi ziyakhwela zaphuk' amazwanyana.’He who plaited a long rope, son of Jama, He plaited it until it reached the sky,
Where even the ancestral spirits of Mageba could not reach,
If they tried to climb they would break their little toes.
Son of King Jama and Queen Mthaniya. Senzangakhona kaJama, became king of the Zulus and father to Shaka. He was a charismatic leader who was also known for his dashing looks. Despite his disappointment at not being the great leader the Sanusi’s foretold, from his seed came the greatest Zulu king and many thereafter that continued to unite and lead the Zulu Nation long after his reign.