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Umkhokha: The Curse

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The long journey to repentance – Umkhokha: The Curse

01 May 2024
MaMzobe is given a life changing task before she can join the repentance class.
Umkhokha:TheCurse S2 MaMzobe in church

Episode 43: When death does us apart, wed him

MaNzimande sticks her neck out for an arch enemy. Nokubonga gives in to an indecent proposal. Menga and Nobuntu make a first impression.


Episode 44: The repentance class

Menga and Nobuntu hit the jackpot. MaKhoza gives MaMzobe a life changing task before she can join the repentance class. Mabusi continues to prepare for life after death.


Episode 45: A sin too great to confess

MaMzobe’s confession journey hits a pothole fast, Ndlovu’s position hangs in the balance and Menga has a big surprise for Nobuntu.


Episode 46: The journey to repentance continues

MaMzobe continues her journey of repentance. Some people forgive her, some don’t. BuMenga is on cloud nine, the couple is putting in the work on their dream. Gabi gets a life changing opportunity.


Episode 47: To err is human

Difa returns to their marital bed. MaKhoza walks on eggshells around MaMzobe. BuMenga are in their winning season and Menga does a grand gesture.


Episode 48: Lady of the ring

Ndlovu’s plan to discredit MaMzobe backfires in a big way. The prized Mthembu ring is returned to MaMzobe who grapples with the decision to return it to its ancestral lineage. Nobuntu ignores the first red flag.


Episode 49: Without a trace

Nobuntu’s life is thrown into total disarray. MaMzobe redeems herself, while Khulekani witnesses the power of God.


Episode 50: Nobuntu’s house of cards

Nobuntu’s world comes crashing down and Menga is nowhere to be found. Khulekani performs a miracle in front of the Mthembus. Sibahle finds herself in hot water.


Episode 51: Pay back the money

The police are after a fugitive. Nobuntu drives to the Gumede home with the tail between her legs. Khulekani sees the power of God.


Episode 52: Arrest the scapegoat

Difa and MaMzobe try to rebuild their marriage one brick at a time. Sphamandla gives Khulekani his flowers. Nobuntu is on the run from the law.


Episode 53: Disowned

Sibahle confesses her sins, risking Ndlovu’s position in the church. Nobuntu learns what happens when you defy your parents. Difa shuts his heart for Nobuntu.


Episode 54: Going home

Nobuntu returns home with the tail between her legs. MaMzobe risks her marriage. Khulekani wins souls on his rise.


Episode 55: Restoration comes with a beat down

Difa and Ndlovu reach an agreement, but it’s the silence before the storm. A fist fight ensues in church, shocking amaJudiya. Khulekani gets a horrifying visit from the dead.


Episode 56: Apologise to the enemy

It never rains it pours for the Gumedes, as MaMzobe puts her life in danger. Difa actions put him at odds with Mkhululi and Nobuntu faces hostility from Ndlovu and Menga.


Episode 57: This blood is burning me

MaMzobe’s sins begin to haunt her, and she can’t take it anymore. Nobuntu tries to apologise to Mabusi, but it goes south. Difa pays back the money but Ndlovu demands a public apology.


Episode 58: Mkhululi wezoni, khulul’umoya wami

MaMzobe bares her soul out to Siphamandla and confesses all her darkest sins. Khulekani and Nomkhosi have differing ideas on how to spend their newly found fortune. There’s discontent in the Ndlovu homestead.


Episode 59: Consequences of being a murderer

Siphamandla gives MaMzobe a stern warning not to be baptized tomorrow. Khulekani gets a prime time TV offer from a Christian channel after the success of his YouTube channel. Nobuntu makes an official statement to clear her name from the fraud case.


Episode 60: The baptism

MaMzobe is in denial about her gravest sin while Nobuntu is rattled by Menga’s phone call and gives Mabusi a perplexing and worrisome instruction. 


Episode 61: Depth of holy water

As the harrowing news of MaMzobe being swallowed by the relentless waters reaches Siphamandla, his impassive demeanor casts a shadow of bewilderment.



Episode 62: The purge

Sfociya pleads with Siphamandla to do the right thing. The Gumedes fear the worst and Ndlovu is on tenterhooks over the baptism.


Episode 63: The curse

MaMzobe thanks Siphamandla, but he casts a lifetime curse on her. Nomkhosi wishes Khulekani well on his trip and Menga shows up at the Gumede house.


Episode 64: Dancing with the devil

Nobuntu decides to go against her better judgement. Mthembu appears to Khulekani again as he’s preparing for his international conference. Ndlovu is not looking forward to church tomorrow.


Episode 65: Drop dead

Khulekani prepares for his trip to America when calamity strikes. Nobuntu falls for Menga’s charm. MaMzobe returns to church.


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